Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Essay on Post modernity

Post-modernism –
I define post modernism as pushing boundaries of human activity through art or any form of media , we are presented with celebrities who try depicting that through their outrageous style, a prime example is Lady gaga, who challenges the stereotype of a pop singer, she is very modern and pushes the threshold of fashion and the music industry, with her "out there" songs, she is very similar to Marilyn Manson.
How do  people define post-modernism? Well according to the theorist Charles Jencks it is “Post-modernism is fundamentally the eclectic mixture of any mixture of its immediate past, it is both the continuation of modernism and transcendence”.  I also decided to research the proper term in the Oxford dictionary, “A style by a distrust of theories and ideologies and by the drawing of attention to conventions”. Post modernists claim that in media saturated world, where we are constantly immersed in media, 24/7 - and on the move, at work, at home - the distinction between reality and the media representation of it becomes blurred and invisible to us. In other words, we no longer have any sense of the difference between real things and images of them, or real experiences and simulations of them. Media reality is the new reality.
Baudrillard (Born 1929 – 2007) wrote a philosophical treatise called simulacra and simulation. Simulacra and simulation is most known for its discussion of images, signs and how they relate to present day. Baudrillard claims that modern society has replaced all reality and meaning with symbols and signs and that the human experience is of a simulation of reality rather than reality itself..
Post-modernist film can be seen to voice the ideas of post-modernism through the cinematic medium. Post modernist film upsets the mainstream conventions of narrative structure and characterization and destroys (or, at least, toys with) the audiences suspension of disbelief to create a work in which a less recognizable internal logic forms the films mean of expression.

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